Our Global Mission Partners.
Mission has always sat at the epicentre of everything we do at Northgate. So we have 4 specific quadrants for mission partnership that we engage with. Click on a title to find out more about each service that we support.
Live Connection:
Since 2000, Northgate has partnered with Live Connection. It is an important ministry of our Church and it partners with over 170 rural, subsistent pastors from 12 countries. This is part of our Global Relational partnership. As a church we have a specific on-going charity that we build a relationship with. Many people within our church community continue to support this ministry and many of our church members have been changed by the incredible mission trips this charity leads.
Smethurst Ministries:
In 2022, we expanded our mission to include a Global Immediate partnership and we connected with Smethurst Ministries. Our goal was to respond to an immediate global crisis and connect with suitable charities that could respond quickly. The Ukrainian Orphanage that Smethurst Ministries leads has incredible stories and impact and that is why we partner with them.
Forest Association of Christian Education:
Since 2004 Northgate has partnered with FACE this is a number of local churches who have partnered up to fund Religious Education in schools. It is a vital part of our Local Relational strategy. Alongside this we run a food pantry which also sits at the heart of this goal, to serve our community right here in Belrose.
Finally we have a special mission fund designated for crisis. It is designed to allow us to respond to any Local Immediate needs that might arise. Fires and floods are common in Australia and so as a church we want to have a fund designated to respond to immediate needs quickly.
These four quadrants represent our mission strategy so that we can continue to live the love of Jesus from here to the horizon!